Friday, February 26, 2010

Brave New World

Okay, so this will be my.... 569874987452699745th (?) attempt at re-writing my blog. Will it succeed?

Highly unlikely :D haha.

I used to loveeee blogging. Way back when before it was all cool and expected to have a blog. That time, it was all LiveJournal baybeh :P

And I enjoyed it. I enjoyed putting my rants and mushy stories or emo breakdowns or sometimes just random craps. Most of them were 30 paragraphs worth of emo-ing, and others was just a random 3 sentence entry about... well, random stuff. It was useless, irrelevant, and oh-so-much-fun.

But I think, back then, the main reason i loved it was because people I cared about actually read it. It was a good way of letting them know about my life. And, more importantly, I felt it gave me total freedom for saying ANYTHING I wanted to say. I didn't have to care about other people's feelings. Or they're judgments. Heck, half my posts back then were about girlfriends/ex-gf's, and not many of them were nice :)

But time has changed. I can't be that person anymore. I mean, I want to. But imagine this: How would it be if I, a married guy, started to blog about 'The Various Talent of Jenna Jameson'. To most of you out there, that would be just plain wrong :P haha.

That was before Facebook. Before Twitter. haha. I guess now, if you want an update, just check on those websites. Much, much, MUCH more updated than a blog that hasn't had a new post since.... June 2009?

Now, that's just sad =/ haha.

Anyway, I'm going to TRY to be back. What am I going to write about? Well, I've been really getting into lists nowadays, so maybe something along those lines. If not, I'm sure you'd love to know what I did during the day right :P hahaha.

As if. :)



Merissa K. said...


i never got the chance to congratulate you and aidah. so, here goes, even though it's old news, CONGRATULATIONS!

i saw pics of you guys kat dura's FB and mcm alahai comel nya diorang ni.

needless to say, i envy korang sebab i nak kahwin jugaaaak! haha. anyway, it's seriously great to see that you've become all grown up and mcm gila in love.

so yeah ni dah panjang sgt ni. congrats again ok? :)

Izrin said...

eh hi! hahaha. thanks thanks. tu la we're old people :P lol. eh you're not on my facebook ke?